It could be said that the club had just had a very busy couple of weeks - well even if that was the case, that didn't stop 16 club and family members turning up yesterday, in a very pleasant Autumn morning, to assist  three Auckland Council Volunteers, Nanda, Ken and Roger, (who many of our members had worked with on Motutapu Island in years gone by), to assist in preparing an area for the planting of another 600 native trees in this small but attractive reserve, situated between Apirana Ave and the main trunk railway line. 
The first picture above is of Peter B safely crossing the road with his tools of trade and the next two pictures are of the team receiving a safety briefing, and the team at large prior to hitting the scrub. The next picture is a view of the "working bees" hard at work, with the last photo being the group enjoying a well deserved coffee and muffin at a nearby cafe' at the end of the working bee.